抑郁症 Resources for Students, 工作人员 and 教师


如果这是心理健康问题 紧急, please call us at our office number during regular work hours x6619 or call campus 警察下班后 x5555


抑郁症 is more common than we believe. 据说 one in five people suffer from a mental illness,以及关于 17.在美国有300万成年人 2017年有抑郁症. 抑郁症 can happen to anyone, and most often can come and go. 下面我们包括 warning signs that you or a loved one may be experiencing 抑郁症 as well as resources.



Dialectical Behavior Therapy Available Now!


清醒和觉知, LLC located in Albuquerque, provides a dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) program to adolescents, families, and adults via tele-health. 



DBT is an "evidence based, cognitive behavioral treatment and emphasizes individual psychotherapy and group skills training classes to help individuals learn and use new skills and strategies to maintain emotional health. " 


Adolescents, families, and adults presenting with "acute 抑郁症, anxiety, loneliness, increased substance use, anger and even self-harming behaviors or suicidal ideation, or attempts" are most suited for this type of program.

What do I need to do if I want to join the program? 我需要保险吗??

If you have any interest in this program, feel free to reach out the intake manager 清醒和觉知, LLC,网址 505-503-7946 Ext. 134 about questions you have such as initiating an intake. 他们接受BCBS和长老会 Centennial (Medicaid) insurance, as well as BCBS and Presbyterian commercial plans, Molina Marketplace, Friday Health Plan and True Health.








抑郁症 can affect your thoughts, emotions and mood on a daily basis, and can arise due to many different reasons including hardship, loss, stress, 等. If any of these signs are greatly affecting your life we recommend you get some help, or at the very least try some of the resources we have provided below.


 Here are 4 things you can start implementing in your day to help improve your mood:

  1. 锻炼 - even as little as 30mins of moderate exercise 3 times a week has been shown to 改善情绪. 

    It has been proven that exercise can actually decrease the likelihood of developing 抑郁症. 哈佛医学院找到了 减少26% 发生MDE的可能性(major depressive episode) with objectively measured exercise.

    阅读更多关于这些发现的内容 在这里, 在这里, 在这里.

  2. 一日三餐
  3. 保持水分
  4. 保证充足的睡眠

    Sleep affects memory, learning, and cognitive function. A person who does not 睡眠 enough can become affected negatively, which includes 心理健康. 

    阅读更多关于这些发现的内容 在这里.




Ecotherapy is a practice used to heal mental health through nature. 人们相信 when our bodies are isolated from direct contact with nature, we begin to develop 心理健康问题. By spending some time in nature, our relationships with mother 地球得到了补充. 

Ecotherapy Activities include but are not limited to:

更多信息请点击 在这里,或者了解它对抑郁症的帮助 在这里.




Positive affirmations can help you release negative thoughts and challenge your negative 自言自语. When you repeat something over and over again, you begin to  believe it. So, why not tell yourself positive, healthy messages instead! 如果你开始合并 positive thoughts and affirmations, it can help you let go of negative emotions and stress, 等. 下面我们包括 morning and evening affirmation meditation videos.






日志记录 is a way to sort through thoughts, prioritize problems, identify triggers, 记录下你每天的心情,等等. You don't even have to purchase a special journal 要做到这一点(除非你愿意). 任何旧笔记本都可以! 这里有一些不同的 你可以保存的日志类型:

  1. 感恩日志: Write what you are grateful for on a daily basis. 阅读更多 在这里.
  2. 艺术日志: Express your thoughts through your preferred art medium. 阅读更多 在这里.
  3. 子弹日报: 这 type of journal is more like an agenda, but really you can make it become anything 你希望它是. 你可以涂鸦、写字等等. 阅读更多 在这里.
  4. 未发送信件日志: 写信表达你的感受. 你想写什么就写什么. 之后, 写了信,你就毁了他们. 阅读更多 在这里.


If you are doing a bullet journal, it may be helpful to add a mood 跟踪器 and habit 跟踪器. Here we have provided you with a a couple that you can print out.






Often times, the things we are currently going through can stop us from getting enough 睡眠. If this somewhat is something you're struggling with, go to our 睡眠 page for more tips on getting the rest you need.





